Saturday, April 10, 2010

Haven't Forgotten!!

I promise! I haven’t forgotten about the posts I’ve promised to deliver as of recent.   I’ve been a little predisposed with my legality here in Srbija over the last few days.  Had to renew my temporary residence permit and to do that I had to leave the country for an allotted time.  I’m back though and will be getting right on those posts!!  Hang in there please!

Thanks!!  Хвала!

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Today a protest was held here in Beograd.  To protest against the declaration that was just passed where Srbija accepted the blame of the 1995 Srebrenica Massacre.  Now I was hoping to have attended said protests but other things infiltrated my plans.  Oh well it happens.  My stance still stays.. I think Serbia shouldn't have accepted blame for something they didn't do.  I'm doing a larger coverage about the whole situation/outcome/reaction on my other blog, so if you're interested check it out.  I'll be looking at those who were for the declaration and those who opposed it. I, personally, opposed it and will discuss that in the full length post on the other blog.